There is no day like today to take care of your mental health!

There is no day like today to take care of your mental health!

Get Started!

Book a free phone consultation (15-20 minutes) (see the form below) with our qualified Patient Navigator to determine if TMS, SPRAVATO or other treatments that we offer are right for you. During this phone consultation we will discuss conditions and qualifications for TMS treatment, SPRAVATO treatment, or any other treatments and therapies, payment options (such as insurance and/or out-of-pocket), and scheduling your first appointment.

First Appointment (60-90 minutes) with our TMS-specialized provider. During this visit, you will be asked to provide information on your medical history and current symptoms. We will be working collaboratively to find the best treatment for you. If TMS is recommended for you, you will be prescribed a personalized TMS treatment plan. We will support you to receive prior authorization for your TMS treatment.

Motor threshold determination appointment (30-45 minutes). Once your insurance has approved your treatment, our office will reach out to you to schedule your first TMS therapy appointment. During this visit, the provider will identify the unique coil positioning for your brain and the correct magnet strengths in order to ensure the best possible outcomes.

First session of TMS treatment (20-30 minutes). Your certified TMS technician will ensure that you receive the best care and walk you through what to expect during this session and the following treatments.

Following sessions. Completion is paramount - completing the full number of prescribed sessions gives you the best chance for recovery. Treatments take place 5 days a week and typically last 19 minutes each, although they can take up to 30 minutes. During the treatment, you are fully awake and alert. You can relax, watch TV, and listen to music or your favorite podcast. After the treatment session, you will be able to drive yourself home and return to your daily life.

What to expect for TMS treatments

What to expect for SPRAVATO treatements

First Appointment (60-90 minutes) with our SPRAVATO-specialized provider. During this visit, you will be asked to provide information on your medical history and current symptoms. We will be working collaboratively to find the best treatment for you. If SPRAVATO is recommended for you, you will be prescribed a personalized SPRAVATO treatment plan. We will support you to receive prior authorization for your SPRAVATO treatment.

First Treatment and following (120 minutes): Spravato can start working immediately, with some individuals noticing improvements in their symptoms within hours. This rapid effect makes it an ideal treatment for those experiencing acute, debilitating symptoms or symptoms that could lead to self-harm or suicidal behavior. While Spravato has proven effective in treating depression in patients with suicidal ideation, should not be considered a replacement for inpatient hospitalization when necessary. Despite its fast-acting nature, it is essential to complete a full course of treatment unless rare adverse effects necessitate discontinuation.

A typical treatment plan involves two treatment sessions per week for the first month, followed by one session a week for the next four weeks.

Fill out the form below to book your free consultation now.