TMS for Depression in Adolescents

Depression Affects Youths Too

Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s plain to see that depression isn’t just for adults. Luckily, modern treatments aren’t either. Our clinic offers TMS therapy using NeuroStar® Advanced Therapy machines, revolutionary in that they are the first, and currently only of their kind to be FDA-approved for treating those suffering from depression aged 15-21.

Adolescence is an extremely important stage in life and suffering from depression during this period of life has been shown to cause serious long-term issues into adulthood that can be difficult to correct, making treating depression in this population even more important. Unfortunately, depression in adolescent populations can be extremely complex and difficult to treat and it is estimated that roughly 4.3 million youths aged 15-21 years old in the United States alone suffer from this condition.

The prevalence of depression in adolescents and young adults has been accelerating since the COVID-19 pandemic. The current treatment options available for adolescents are extremely limited, compared to those available for adults […] NeuroStar’s TMS therapy now offers a promising first-line treatment for adolescents, backed by real-world data and impressive response rates consistent with response rates for adults. This advancement has the potential to set a new treatment paradigm for how we address depression in our youth.

- Dr. Kenneth Pages, Medical Director of TMS of South Tampa

The Data Speaks for Itself

The FDA’s decision to grant this clearance was based in part on a study of real-world data to determine the effectiveness and safety of TMS treatment for adolescents, tracking over one thousand such patients. Of the 1,169 adolescent cases analyzed, 78% experienced clinically significant reduction in the severity of their depression. Ultimately, the FDA has found that TMS is safe and can be extremely effective when used as an addition to medication for depression in patients aged 15-21.

Ultimately, this advancement serves to further prove not only NeuroStar’s cutting edge and lead in the industry but also the effectiveness of the treatments.