Patient Stories

Depression can significantly impact family life, affecting relationships and the overall functioning of the household. The ripple effects of one family member's depression can be profound, touching everyone in the home.

Families often experience increased stress and emotional strain when a member is depressed. This can lead to frustration, sadness, and helplessness if family members do not understand depression or how to help. It may also lead to conflict or increased tension.

The following are testimonials of real patients who experienced real results from TMS therapy

Todd’s Story

Families often experience increased stress and emotional strain when a member is depressed. This can lead to frustration, sadness, and helplessness if family members do not understand depression or how to help. It may also lead to conflict or increased tension among family members.

Elsa’s Story

Depression can cause individuals to withdraw and isolate themselves, which disrupts normal communication patterns within a family. This withdrawal can create misunderstandings, feelings of neglect, and distance between loved ones.

Allison’s Story

When a person with depression struggles to fulfill their roles, whether as a parent, spouse, or sibling, other family members may need to take on additional responsibilities. This can lead to exhaustion and resentment, especially if the shift is sudden or drastic.

Richard’s Story

Depression can affect a person's ability to work consistently or perform well in their job, which may lead to financial instability. Reduced income and the costs associated with treatment (like therapy and medication) can put additional pressure on the family.

Johara’s Story

Children in families where a parent has depression might experience confusion, anxiety, and emotional distress. They may also be at a higher risk of developing depression themselves. Children often perceive and react to emotional changes in their caregivers, which can affect their behavior, academic performance, and social interactions.