How Does It Feel?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is generally well-tolerated and most people do not find it painful. However, everyone's experience is different. You might feel a tapping sensation on your scalp where the magnetic pulses are delivered. Some people also report a mild pain or slight discomfort during or after the session, but these side effects are usually temporary and subside after the first few sessions.

See What Sets Us Apart

Proven Results

In an independent, randomized, controlled trial funded by the NIMH, patients treated with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy were four times more likely to achieve remission compared to those receiving a sham treatment. Significant improvement from baseline with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy was observed as early as 2 weeks after treatment and continued through 4 and 6 weeks (P=0.0006).

The only TMS treatment with demonstrated durability in depression through 1 year

In a naturalistic clinical study in 257 patients who did not benefit from antidepressant medications, NeuroStar offered durable effect over 1 year following acute treatment.

Avery, et al. (2008). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Acute Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Clinical Response in an Open-Label Extension Trial. J Clin Psychiatry, 69(3):441-451.

Dunner DL, et al. (2014) A Multisite, Naturalistic, Observational Study of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for Patients with Pharmacoresistant Major Depression: Durability of Benefit Over a One-Year Follow-Up Period. J Clin Psych, 75(12):1394-1401.